Career Transition

Our programs are designed to provide support to individuals in preparing and pursuing suitable employment opportunities as quickly and successfully as possible. To maximize effectiveness, the support is based on one-on-one meetings with a dedicated consultant.

Overall the Programs Include:

  • Individual coaching sessions for a specified period of time to ensure support for an effective and active job search.

  • Provision of the LMC Job Search Manual which includes sample resumes and pointers on how to best deal with the realities of today's job market.

  • Comprehensive web-based testing and self-assessment to expand and explore career options and develop a career focus in line with skills and experience.

  • Assistance in developing and executing viable job search strategies that respond to the current realities of the market place.

  • Preparation of market and deliverables focused resume(s) and assistance with developing effective emails for job postings, networking, self-marketing, recruiters and follow up.

  • Intensive interview practices in person and on videotape that are carefully reviewed with the employee.

  • Assistance in developing a strong Linkedin profile and strategies on how to update and maintain market visibility.

  • A one page Career Marketing Plan that clearly outlines experience, areas of expertise and accomplishments and defines target industries and employers. The plan is frequently used by industry specific networking groups.

  • Business cards that candidates can use in their networking and other job search related activities.

  • Evaluation of job offers and assistance in developing, negotiating, permanent or contract agreements with prospective employers.

  • Administrative support, research, financial counselling and hands on assistance with technology and social media if required.

  • Provision of updated search firm list categorized by functional specialty and introductions to personal business contacts when deemed appropriate.

Full Program Descriptions

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