Career Coaching for High Potentials
In this very competitive business environment, organizations need to be able to maintain and develop employees who are part of their management and executive groups and are deemed critical to their success. Career Coaching can be a key factor in any organization's efforts to develop its leaders and increase their contribution to its success.
The LMC Career Coaching program gives employees the tools and confidence they need to explore their options and establish a clear career direction in line with their skills and talents, and consistent with the needs of the organization.
Overall the process includes:
- In depth interview(s) with career coach to agree on objectives, discuss main steps of process and set time frame.
- Completion of a series of on-line career review exercises to identify key competencies and work related values.
- For certain situations, the process may include feedback from key stakeholders which may include the employee's manager and colleagues.
- Completion of a number of assessment instruments online (Birkman, MBTI, STRONG, DISC) to identify preferred behaviours, personal needs and work related interests.
- Feedback sessions with career coach to review results of career review exercises and assessment instruments.
- Coaching sessions to integrate information from review exercises and assessment instruments, identify the parameters to be used in evaluating career paths and determine career options within the organization.
- Development of a comprehensive action plan to gather information required to develop and execute a career plan that reflects experience, strengths, values, preferred work environment and organizational needs.
- A meeting between the employee, the employee's manager and coach to review the career plan and seek the manager's support in implementing it.
- Coaching sessions on how to deal with the challenges of implementing a career plan inside the organization and determining how to best monitor progress and deal with issues that will arise in implementing plan of action.